Shape your professional future with GKD
Your contribution counts. Every contribution counts. Regardless of what point in your career you are currently at. Shape your future together with us and support our global teams.
Do you want to take the
next step in your career?
Then apply and become part of our global team. The fields of employment at GKD are many and varied, and we are always on the lookout for new qualified and committed employees. More than 800 employees around the world work together to make our goals reality.
Do you have questions about application documents or want to know how your application will proceed? You can find all the answers in our FAQ section.
Not found the right job for you? Then send us an unsolicited application!
Visionary People Wanted! Do you develop innovative ideas, strategies, and concepts for the future and push these forward with courage and enthusiasm? Do you inspire your colleagues and your environment with your power of persuasion? Do you like to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in? Then you’re very welcome here!
Your contribution counts. Whether you are a skilled worker, a commercial or technical specialist, or a manager, everyone contributes to our company’s success.
We look forward to receiving your application
Simply send it to us directly via our online application form. Of course this also works for your unsolicited application.
Do you still have questions?
Then please feel free to contact us! We look forward to hearing from you.
Sabine Küppers-Rößling
Director Global Human Resources
T +49 2421 803 148
Daria Born-Latta
HR Specialist Talent Acquisition & Onboarding
T +49 2421 803 432
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