Solutions for household appliances
Devices for household use must satisfy all rules and requirements with regard to water and air contamination both now and in the future. To this end, GKD offers metal mesh media and filter elements that reliably perform the necessary filtration tasks in connection with gas and liquid filtration, particularly in challenging conditions.
Here, we cater to tasks in the relatively coarse range of several hundred micrometers, yet also plastic particles that are smaller than 50 micrometers. At the same time, we keep a close eye on the processability of the meshes in automated systems or with plastic overmolding on the basis of adapted semi-finished products. This results in a wide range of options for establishing an optimized supplier relationship between customers and GKD.
Ramona Leibel
Senior Manager Sales Europe
Industrial & Filtration
T +49 2421 803 122
[email protected]
Sascha Pawlowsky
Sales and Applications Manager
Industrial & Filtration
T +49 2421 803 281
[email protected]
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