Conveyor and process belts in drying processes

With decades of experience in the field of conveyor and process belts, we offer efficient solutions for the drying processes used in food and beverage chemistry applications. The optimum design of our belts forms the successful basis for the processes used to dry powders, granulates, and pastes. They offer mechanical strength and permanent resistance to chemical influences.


  • Mechanical strengths
  • Extremely high temperature resistance
  • Resistance to chemical influences
  • Excellent running properties
  • Durability
  • Individual manufacturing specifically geared to the process

Conveyor belts for cooling foodstuffs

Robust, abrasion-resistant, and temperature-resistant GKD TRACKMATIC™ belts produced from stainless steel also deliver impressive performance in the cooling processes used in the food and beverage industry. On the smooth surface of the TRACKMATIC™ belts, good release characteristics are combined with the desired slight adhesion of the product to the metal belt for treatment in blast freezers.


  • Material quality (stainless steel) suitable for use in the food industry
  • Durability
  • Self-controlling thanks to V-crimp system
  • Well suited to use of cleaning agents

Dr. Gerald Bender
Sales and Applications Manager
Process Belts
T +49 2421 803 247
[email protected]