Your partner for plant and mechanical engineering

GKD supports the plant and mechanical engineering sector as a reliable idea generator, developer, and implementation partner that offers a wide range of solutions in the areas of filtration and process belt meshes. Our meshes are used throughout the world and are subject to continuous refinement and improvement. We are committed to finding solutions efficiently, working together with our customers and partners and making full use of excellent engineers, comprehensive experience, and highly developed technologies. From the initial meeting, all the way up to installation of the final system, our customers are assigned a personal contact that supports and accompanies every project right down to the last detail.

As one of the leading implementers of mesh solutions, GKD addresses your individual challenges quickly and economically, delivering long-term benefits.

Anlagenbau Maschinenbau

Sascha Schönecken
Sales and Applications Manager
Industrial & Filtration
T +49 2421 803 108
[email protected]

Ute Wirtz
Sales and Applications Manager
Industrial & Filtration
T +49 2421 803 127
[email protected]

Hans Schlebusch
Sales and Applications Manager
Industrial & Filtration
T +49 2421 803 124
[email protected]

Philipp Wolff
Sales and Applications Manager
Process Belts
T +49 2421 803 431
[email protected]